Currently, chewing gum makes up a significant amount of all food discarded world wide (approximately 25%) leading to a growing number of environmental problems. Currently, there is a significant burden on local authorities to remove chewing gum on streets, pavements and other amenities. The invention described here relates to a novel edible biodegradable chewing gum that is produced using a novel recipe based on cereal proteins, water and various sugars and a unique manufacturing process.This treatment results in a significant modification of the viscoelastic properties of the base product resulting in a product with comparable properties to chewing gums currently available commercially. This product would be readily adaptable for use in commercial applications due to the fact that the ingredients used are extremely cheap and readily available. Consumer trends in recent times towards more natural products and also the trend towards not selling chewing gum due to its problematic environmental impact will ensure the commercial potential of this edible biodegradable chewing gum.This novel product offers solutions to both problems ensuring that current chewing gum manufacturers producers maintain their market share whilst giving consumers a more natural and guilt free alternative.

       Currently the gum is a prototype base product and research is ongoing to make improvements to the viscoelastic and organoleptic properties. The current recipe for the edible biodegradable gum is very pleasing organoleptically, being sweet to taste as well as remaining cohesive when chewed for up to forty-five minutes. With respect to appearance the product resembles current gum bases which are available on the market. The gum base is not sticky to touch once manufacturing or treatment is complete however it does develop stickiness characteristic similar to that of regular gum once chewed. Interestingly, this product is capable of being broken down in the body and so can be readily eaten.
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Contact:Nicholas Zhou

Tel:86 591 87678231


Address:Room 603, Building A, Tianyuangang Center, C2, East 3rd Ring North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,100020,CHINA

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