Headquarter: Flumeri (Avellino), Italy.


    Shareholders: One.


    Type of agreement interested in and reason:
    Selling shares to recapitalize the company. The company was very profitable, with a 40% margin on its main product. However the concurrence of two events disrupted the finances of the company: a big client failed and didn’t pay is due. Moreover, the bank they used (MPS) sold the company toxic derivatives in 2007 and as the crisis exploded they found themselves with a very bad investment. At the moment the company has a legal action against the back that most likely is going to win as other companies already set the precedent against the same bank.

    The owner would keep the Sanitary direction as he is a renown researcher, while I would give the administrative direction to the investor as a guarantee that the injection of liquidity would be well used.


    Company Description:
    The Company has a highly competitive productive process. In only a phase is able to create an aseptic container and inject in it the medical solution, reducing the risk of contamination. The material used for the container is based on a USA patent, and it guarantees lower costs and a comparative advantage in respect of the glass container. The solution is more stable, has less degradation of its active principle and its transportation is easier as space used is less and weight lighter.
    Moreover, an entire section is ready to be opened for widening the production (at the moment the works are at 80%, need funds to complete the new laboratory) in medicinal connected to heparin and with a high added value.
    There is an area of 2800 mq not yet used available for future expansion.

    The company is at the moment not operative as its looking for an investment to close its passivity with the bank. Can start operating again in 1-2 months.

    Industry sector and main products: Pharmaceutical, Infusional Medications and generic injectable preparations.


    Intellectual Property possessed description and its value:
    The company developed with the University of Siena a medicine “polymethaphosphate based formulations for therapy of microcrystalline arthropathies” able to cure arthritis microcrystalline that involve articulations. This kind of arthritis affects 10% of population over 60 and 20% over 70.
    The patent is in possess of the University but the company has the exclusive use for the patent for the next 25 years. Due to the financial problems of the company the product was never commercialized as it should have so there is an entire market to explore worldwide. Possibility of co-marketing the product.


    Technical Strengths (design, R&D, etc):
    The company has a successful collaboration with the Rheumatology Department of Siena University, with which it has developed a specific medicine provided with international patent.
    It was awarded by the Italian Ministry as “Highly Qualified R&D Laboratory” in 2008. The
    Current owner of the company is a researcher, very well connected internationally for selling the products of the firm.
    Share to sell and its price: 30% of share, around 2 million euro (around 16,591,865 rmb).

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Contact:Nicholas Zhou

Tel:86 591 87678231


Address:Room 603, Building A, Tianyuangang Center, C2, East 3rd Ring North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,100020,CHINA

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