Investment required: £5m
Clinical/Healthcare: Foetal and Maternal Monitoring
an innovative, wearable device that accurately monitors FHR, MHR, UA and maternal activity, offering an alternative wireless ambulatory monitoring solution for induction, obesity, L&D and patient satisfaction. The Monica AN24 is available:
• In Europe (CE) and the US (FDA) as solution for maternal‐fetal monitoring during labour & delivery
• As part of a homecare/mhealth solution
• For research
Stage ‐ Pipeline Expansion
The new Monica IF24 CTG Interface Device accessory allows Monica's unique AN24 fetal/maternal monitoring technology to work with your installed CTG monitor, making the benefits of both available to you: peace of mind from Monica's improved accuracy and the patient comfort of a beltless and ambulatory monitoring solution, alongside the familiarity of using your own CTG monitor. It also provides docking station for charging and storing the AN24 when not in use.
Contact:Nicholas Zhou
Tel:86 591 87678231
Address:Room 603, Building A, Tianyuangang Center, C2, East 3rd Ring North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,100020,CHINA