Investment required: £5m ‐ £10m


    Organics destruction and water treatment in the nuclear and water industries


    Intermediate level radioactive oily waste exists all over the world. There is at least 1000mJ, and probably a lot more, with a potential value to the company of £lbn. The company's patented process destroys oil and transfers radionuclides into water or gaseous phase effluents. Comparatively very low cost treatment process exist for both, hence a very low cost (high value) total solution.
    The process can also be applied to water treatment and is uniquely chemical-free, low energy and waste stream-free, thus offering a compelling advantage compared with all existing processes such as membranes, activated carbon and ozone.


    Stage - Expansion
    The process has been proven on-site at the Trawsfynnyd nuclear power station in Wales (photo). Trawsfynnyd is operated by Magnox, who operate a large share of the UK's nuclear estate. The company and Magnox have entered into a framework agreement to destroy radioactive oil across the estate. They are also pursuing business development enquiries internationally, including at Fukushima where a major oil problem exists.?


    2011 Water21, Most Innovative Remediation Method
    2010 TSB Disruptive Solutions winner, Sustainability sector
    2009 Global Cleantech 100 company award
    2009 Institution of Engineering and Technology's (IET) North West Innovation Award


    Opportunity for China
    China is the world's fastest growing nuclear market with 17 reactors in operation and a further 28 in varying stages of construction.
    There is currently no disposal route available in China for radioactive oils; hence there has been significant interest in the company's technology from major Chinese nuclear firms such as China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group and China National Nuclear Corporation. 

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Contact:Nicholas Zhou

Tel:86 591 87678231


Address:Room 603, Building A, Tianyuangang Center, C2, East 3rd Ring North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,100020,CHINA

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